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TEA Student teaches you

Teaching English Abroad: When the Student Teaches You

When I began my journey of teaching English abroad, I had high hopes. I wanted to see the world and experience adventure, but I also wanted to make an impact in the classroom. Fortunately, I did get to achieve most of my goals and experience the rewards of interacting with my students. There are so many student stories to ...

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Make a Difference

You Can Make A Difference While Teaching Abroad

When you were a child, did you have a teacher that made a difference in your life? Most people have a particular teacher that they looked up to or who served as a valuable mentor. When I started teaching ESL abroad, I never really gave any thought on how I would impact my students’ lives outside of the classroom ...

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Celebrate Like a Brazilian

How to Celebrate Like a Brazilian

Brazil is the largest country in South America, accounting for nearly 50% of the continent's mass and holding over 2 million people. Boarding the Atlantic coast, Brazil touches nearly every other South American country. With such a storied past and rich heritage, it makes sense that Brazilians would have celebrations and festivals equally rich and steeped in traditions. And ...

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Small town

Why Small Towns Offer More Personal TESOL Experiences

Small town or big city? Many of my friends and family members who have taught abroad have longed for the bright lights of the world’s largest metropolises such as Shanghai, Seoul, Taipei, Tokyo, Mexico City, and Madrid. Based on my own experiences teaching abroad, however, I recommend relocating to a small city or town. Here's why. (more…)

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Not in Kansas Anymore

Teaching English Abroad: I Don’t Think We’re In Kansas Anymore

When you live in foreign countries, you occasionally have these moments where it suddenly all hits you: I'm not in ________ anymore! For me, Canada is home, so traveling to another country can have it's share of adventures. The story I'm about to tell describes one of my own "WHERE IN THE WORLD AM I?" moments from my time teaching abroad ...

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Common English Mistakes

20 Common English Grammar Mistakes Not to Pass on to Your Students

It's easy to use regional dialects or commonly misused language mistakes when speaking everyday English. However, when teaching a second language to new students, it's important that you're giving them the proper foundation from which to build their habits. This includes your own speaking and writing habits in the classroom. The following are 20 common English grammar mistakes you ...

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