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6 Lifehacks for Living and Teaching ESL in South Korea

6 Lifehacks for Living and Teaching ESL in South Korea

If you’re anything like I was before I went to South Korea to teach English, you’ll have very little idea of what to expect when you arrive. While you’re not moving off to a different planet, the considerable difference between South Korean and North American cultures can certainly make it feel that way. Even though you’re deeply excited to ...

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Why Should I Teach English Abroad?

Why Should I Teach English Abroad?

So, you're thinking about taking the leap and teaching English abroad and start exploring the World. What can you expect after this experience of teaching abroad? What will you gain from a year or more living far away from your home? Here are some of the biggest reasons to consider teaching English abroad: Enhance Your Resume Teaching ...

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Why Teaching ESL is the Perfect Start to a Teaching Career

Why Teaching ESL is the Perfect Start to a Teaching Career

I decided to teach ESL in South Korea because I wanted to explore my interest in teaching English abroad to foreign learners. I knew that it would require more schooling for me to teach here in the U.S., so I thought this would be the perfect way to test the waters before investing my time and money in a graduate ...

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Teaching English in Slovakia

5 Destinations in Slovakia to Add to Your Travel Bucket List

While Slovakia may not be the first location that comes to mind when you think of Europe, it is an often-overlooked destination for ESL teaching. It provides many great teaching opportunities for TESOL/TESL/TEFL certified teachers, combined with beautiful landscapes and ancient tourist attractions and world heritage sites. I’ve had the pleasure of living in Slovakia as an ESL teacher ...

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4 Fields with Jobs Teaching English Abroad

4 Ways to Specialize While Teaching ESL Abroad

Congratulations! You have your TESOL certificate, and opened a world of exciting jobs teaching English overseas. There’s opportunity to explore exciting new cultures, and teach in a variety of different classrooms and settings. As you gain more experience teaching ESL, there are many different areas that you can specialize in. The more specialized training you get under your belt, the better teacher you’ll be, and ...

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4 tips for saving money while teaching in South Korea

4 Tips for Saving Money While Teaching English Abroad in South Korea

Teaching English abroad is a great way to save some money or pay off those crippling student loans. If you’re interested in teaching English in South Korea, most schools offer contracts that pay rent for you (unless otherwise specified, for whatever extenuating circumstances). Saving money before you leave is crucial for when you are just starting your ...

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Teaching English overseas

How Teaching English Abroad Opened Career Doors in Florida

Teaching English abroad is not only a great way to travel and see the world, but a great way to gain valuable experience that can open countless career doors both at home and overseas. Read on to see how teaching ESL improved my job prospects in America, and for tips on how to network and find jobs teaching ESL ...

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