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How 2 of our grads found jobs teaching English abroad

How 2 of Our Grads Found Jobs Teaching English Abroad

There are countless ESl teaching jobs available around the world, from teaching in a private language school in South Korea, to volunteering in a small town in Costa Rica, and everything in between. With all the opportunities out there, knowing where you want to teach English and how to get a job there is an exciting and confusing process. ...

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How I found a job teaching ESL abroad - Placement Reviews

How I Found a Job Teaching ESL Abroad – Placement Reviews

When you're planning on teaching English abroad for the first time, starting your job search can seem like a confusing process. But it doesn't have to be, especially if you have some guidance along the way. Our grads Isabele and Tricia used our Job Placement Service to find their English teaching positions abroad. Isabele found a job teaching English ...

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OS changes lives_Main

How Oxford Seminars Helped Change One Teacher’s Life

Diane Elliott had a wonderful experience as a teacher of English abroad through Oxford Seminars. She explains in the video below that her experience allowed her to grow both personally and financially. After her time abroad, she took a job as a Placement Advisor with Oxford Seminars to help others have adventures just like she did. Diane desires to ...

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What I Wish I'd Known

4 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Diving in to a TESOL Job

Picking up and moving to a different country isn't something to be taken lightly. It takes courage and fortitude to immerse yourself in a culture that is different from your own, let alone learning the language spoken locally. On the other hand, the adventures you'll have and the friendships you'll develop, along with the work experience you'll gain will ...

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